viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2019


Sílabas ge- gi /gue- gui 
Escribe una lista de 15 palabras que contenga algunas de estas sílabas.

Sílabas ga go gu
 Escribe una lista de 15 palabras que contenga algunas de estas sílabas

Luego lee tus listas, elige tres de cada listado y redacta en total seis oraciones.

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2019

Inquiry Research

Cultural Fair

"Mix of cultures"

Germany - China - United Kingdom - Spain - Spain - Italy - Crotia - Arabia

Each of the research group need to investigate all of the following topics: 

Capital City
Celebration and Traditions
Main activity in Chile
Relevant people

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

5th Unit: Chile, a mix of cultures.

Transdiclipinary Theme: 
Where we are in place and time

Central idea: 
People's heritage influence the ways of using the territory and its resources.

Lines of Inquiry

1. Community development is determined by geographical features and its resources. 
2. When people migrate, they bring aspects of their own culture.
3. The background of immigrants impact our culture.

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019

Inquiry research on Native Peoples

Technology - Clothing - Men and Women Roles - Food - Celebrations and Traditions - Housing 

Learn about your chosen native peoples

→Click on top of pictures or names←

Grupo familiar aymara danzando bailes de floreo del ganado. Fotografía Sara Larraín. S/F. En: “Norte Grande 500 Años Después”. Sara Larraín Ruiz Tagle. Editorial La Puerta Abierta. 1989.

Retrato mujer atacameña. Fotografía de Sergio Larraín. S/F.

Resultado de imagen para pueblo chilenos diaguitas

Competidores en competencia de embarcaciones en Tapati Rapanui 2008. Isla de Pascua Rapa Nui. 2008. Fotografía de Nicolás Aguayo. En: “Rapa Nui. El Ombligo del Mundo.” José Miguel Ramírez Aliaga. Edición: Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino.2008.


Machi mapuche tocando su kultrun. Fotografía de Martín Thomas. S/F. En: Archivo Fotográfico MCHAP.

Familia selk´nam, de izquierda a derecha: Kiliutá, Minkiól, Keelo, Khausél (jefe de familia), Kiuttemink y Alcheke. Fotografía de J. Ojeda- William S. Barclay. 1902. En: “Fueguinos. Fotografías Siglos XIX y XX. Imágenes e Imaginarios del Fin del Mundo.”Margarita Alvarado, Carolina Odone, Pedro Mege. Editorial Pehuén. S/F.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

4th Unit: Back To The Past.

Resultado de imagen para back to the past

Transdiclipinary Theme: 
Who we are

Central idea: 
Lifestyles change and develop over time.

Lines of Inquiry

1. Different native peoples living in Chile influence each other.
2. Native peoples share characteristics and traditions.
3. Native peoples experience cultural changes over time.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019

viernes, 26 de julio de 2019

Endangared Animals

Human beings are the greatest threat to the survival of endangered species through poaching, habitat destruction and the effects of climate change.

Click on the following top 10's to learn about animals

Top 10 Most Endangered Animals

Top 10 Extinct Animals 

Top 10 Animals Endangered by Climate Change

3rd Unit: Keeping the balance

Transdiclipinary Theme: Sharing the planet.
Central idea: Living things change and interact in different ways affecting natural balance.

Lines of Inquiry

1. Living organisms including humans depend on each other to survive. FUNCTION.
2. Human activity impacts on native species and their habitats. CONNECTION.
3. Community members and institutions protect native species. RESPONSIBILITY.

Resultado de imagen para environmental balance

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

Dont forget what you have to research about your animal !


A                       Animal classification
Vertebrate ______Invertebrate ______
Body covering:

domingo, 28 de abril de 2019


click on the following image to watch the video

Resultado de imagen para animals classification

Learn everything about animals

Resultado de imagen para animals classification
Click here to read/learn the classification of animals, you can choose among:

2nd Unit: Faunatics

Transciplinary theme : How the world works.
Central idea : Animals are classified according to their characteritics and go through different changes.

Lines of Inquiry

1. Life cycles show animals change. CHANGE
2. Animals have different characteristics. FORM
3. Animals are classified according to their characteristics. CONNECTION

Resultado de imagen para animals classification

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

lunes, 1 de abril de 2019

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2019

Do you want to be able to answer the following questions ?

What is weather?
What causes weather?
Why do mountains affect weather and climate?
What is water cycle?
Why do we have seasons?
What is the significance of the sun to the earth?
How can you tell what time it is by looking at the sun?
Why do we get more sunlight in the summer than in winter?

Click here to answer all these questions and more

Cheru's journey 

searching for water

Resultado de imagen para cheru's journey

Click on the picture to watch the story of Cheru's journey

 To develop the international mindedness in you!

You will Have to bring a piece of news happening in Chile or the World, if you find it interesting, bring it and share it with your class and teachers. 
The main idea is to know more about the world and to open our eyes and see it with "different glasses"



Resultado de imagen para dogo news

Resultado de imagen para science news for students logo

Resultado de imagen para TIME FOR KIDS

Resultado de imagen para BTN NEWS

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2019

This year we are going to use a special searching engine, called KIDDLE, specifically made for kids, as its name says it. 
We welcome all of you to start using it when reseraching for new knowledge

Resultado de imagen para kiddle

Thursday 21st, March, 2019

Resultado de imagen para wdsd happy socks

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

1st Unit: Water, life and progress

Transciplinary theme : how we organise ourselves
Central idea : community development depend on water resources

Lines of Inquiry

Water goes through a continuous cycle. CHANGE
Weather and climate affects the landscape, people and resources. CAUSATION
Community development is determined by its location and geographical features. CONNECTION

Resultado de imagen para posters of water